
Click here for the arrangements


Parents wishing to view the school are warmly welcomed. Please telephone the school office on 01756 793314 to arrange an appointment.

Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust is the admissions authority for the school. 

Whilst Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust is the admissions authority, arrangements for applications for places at Skipton Parish Church of England Primary School will be made in accordance with North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) co-ordinated admission arrangements, this includes in-year applications for admission to the school.

In Year Admissions. For families moving into the area, or for children changing schools during the year, in-year admissions to the school are dealt with by North Yorkshire  County Council. Please contact the Council at or telephone the In-Year admissions team on 01609 533679.

Reception Admissions

You can find out about our Reception by clicking here.

The Education Department at North Yorkshire County Council deals with applications for Reception admissions. Providing that you live within North Yorkshire, have registered with a local doctor, you should automatically receive information about the admission process. NYCC prefer on-line applications and the school office can help with this if necessary.

Telephone 01609 533679 or 

All new Reception aged children join the school from September of each academic year.

 Induction for New Reception Starters

Once we know your child has been offered a place at Skipton Parish Church of England Primary School, you will receive a letter inviting you meet your child's new teacher. This is arranged during the term before your child starts Reception . At the meeting you will find out more about school routines and see your child's classroom. We invite your child into school for two half-day sessions enabling them to experience some of the activities they will enjoy when they join our school.

In addition, Early Years staff will visit each child in their current setting in order to ensure a smooth transition from nursery to school.